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Thus arose the first monastic community, consisting of anchorites living each in his own little dwelling, united together under one superior.
So he waited until she came back from returning the two priestesses, and sat down in front of her little dwelling to eat and drink.
Even at a distance, Troi could hear the sounds of a struggle coming from within the little dwelling.
A spirit of peace and harmony pervaded our little dwelling, for the most affectionate attachment existed among its members.
A closet with a full-length mirrored door, just as in any ground-fast little dwelling.
Tarzan could see that he was commanding them to fire the little thatched dwellings.
Jaxom waited until the four had entered the little dwelling before he moved to Ruth.
Although he kept himself occupied, he couldn't help but worry about what was going on inside the little dwelling up the hill.
She did not own this place; whereas his mother had owned, or had at least rented, their little dwelling.
There was great joy in the little dwelling.