The little dinosaurs lived in a region where there were many fish, which may have been their main food.
The little dinosaur took alarm and bounded away like a huge rabbit, keeping its head erect.
It gets said a lot, but they're just like little dinosaurs.
What child won't want a little dinosaur as a pet?
Very fast, intelligent, nasty little dinosaurs, and they travel in packs.
The little dinosaur pulled her across the room and into a shadowy gallery under the archways.
And those little dinosaurs called 'birds' came through pretty well unscathed.
"You mean that eating a fish instead of a little dinosaur the same size might actually make a difference sixty million years from now?"
Unfortunately, people don't seem to be very excited by cute little dinosaurs.
The little dinosaur had caused a ripple in its time, but then they had forgotten about it.