"And you worry about the poor little calves?"
We're going to match up that cow and her little calf we got last week with a daddy - or go bust in the attempt.
"I know it's not moral indignation about the poor little calves," I said.
She made a pet of a little calf and sang to it of her being abandoned.
But that's not a good idea, because all those older boys will dive for the little calves too.
There was no sound from the elephants, except once, when two or three little calves squeaked together.
We are your children, your little calves who danced for you.
"You can have Sadie," she said, referring to the little calf that had been born in front of me days before.
Sadie had turned into quite a pretty little calf.
And, tentatively, Spiral wrapped her trunk around the little calf's small, smooth head.