"Put some weight on those skinny little buns of yours."
Besides, Oy was moving fast now, really shucking those furry little buns of his.
"She refuse to spread those cute little buns of hers for ya or what?"
You will train her until her little buns fall off.
Or maybe Tallant found out that the little bun in the oven hadn't been his.
Another miniature plant, Gypsophila aretioides, was simply a tight little bun of minute leaves.
Lilly adjusted the tight, gray, mousy little bun of a wig she wore.
Those little "steamed buns," as they are listed on the menu, are a perfect way to begin a meal.
And I said: 'Honey, it will be slicked back in a little bun.
Mess up those spangles, and I'll see your bony little buns across a trunk!