It was good to know that he was no more anxious to disturb the thorn-bushes with their vicious little barbs than she was.
Now my hands were stinging; I rubbed them on my jeans, but it felt like little barbs of fire were digging in to the flesh.
But topple a tackle box off a boat seat just once and all those little barbs and tiny hook eyes converge on one another.
There seemed to be no cunning little barbs on it, but he put it carefully on one side for Littlebottom to examine later.
As the panic caught at her heart with fiery little barbs, she wanted to rush to him and throw her arms about his neck.
Why should wire with little barbs be any better?
Not on any large scale, but now I was made aware of their little barbs.
It's one of the little barbs that sharpen the love songs on her self-titled debut album (Capitol).
The content of those little barbs was much like the sort his cousin Roddie would verbally throw out.
Flattery and innuendo, oblique criticisms and these nasty little barbs stuck in all the boy's self doubts-I've watched him at work.