When I was a little shaver I lived for a few years in a big, quiet Ohio house with my recently widowed grandmother.
In the late 1930s, Shields was known for making fun of the US tennis star Bryan Grant, the smallest American to win an international championship, saying "the little shaver" was hiding behind the net.
TR would write that his mother used "to talk to me as a little shaver about ships, ships, ships and the fighting of ships, until they sank into the depths of my soul."
When I was a little shaver, my life was made miserable by my horror of the dark.
He picked me up like I was a little shaver and carried me out of the tavern over his head.
"Was he just a little shaver?"
Frank Shields, who had had his issues both with interactions with other players, and with alcohol, was known for making fun of Grant, saying "the little shaver" was hiding behind the net.
Once when I was just a little shaver there was a Great Plague in London, where we were living at the time, and all us Hogbens had to clear out.
- As for Yuri, that little shaver, he's the real scientist of the group.
A fellow who's spent as much time at it as I have ever since I was a little shaver would have to be an awful dub not to be fairly proficient.