Diving ahead of us, she swims under the canoe, inches from us, a quick lithe shape in the narrow, shallow creek.
Claire's lithe shape was visible, dark against the brightness.
When Lyra thought of his lithe golden shape, she felt ill with fear.
His lithe shape gained a window.
Off to their left, in the games field, Savandi's boys were laughing again, lithe shapes clad in blue, running after a white ball.
He turned quickly, and he could see the white, lithe shape of Mrs. Semple running toward him, only twenty yards away.
And then Smith saw a lithe, pale-faced shape loom up out of the darkness behind Brandt.
The lithe, strong shape shifted position, his pale, half-Japanese face unsmiling, distant, though she didn't like to think of that.
As Estelle fired again, a lithe shape seemed to weave up toward her, as if conjured from space itself.
Clinging to his back was the lithe shape of a tall boy.