The pathways represented in Reactome are species-specific, with each pathway step supported by literature citations that contain an experimental verification of the process represented.
Information about the background of the artist, training, professional development, the main works, exhibitions and references to literature citations are listed and, if possible, augmented by an art historical assessment.
PubMed: biomedical literature citations and abstracts, including Medline - articles from (mainly medical) journals, often including abstracts.
Its immense bibliography includes literature citations for 196 different published proofs.
The database contains linkages to voucher specimens, information on species distributions, nomenclature, authoritative taxonomic information, collateral natural history information and literature citations.
The appropriate locations for literature citations vary depending on the application type.
Its immense bibliography includes literature citations for 196 different published proofs for the quadratic reciprocity law.
Searchable database of literature citations on chromosomal variants and anomalies.
Harriman also noted the comprehensive literature citations, which he found "most helpful".
The work was one of Churchill's writings mentioned in his Nobel Prize in literature citation.