The band's music on Plans was described by the Dallas Morning News as "a literate, whispery style, the kind of stuff that normally sounds better in headphones than in large venues".
In language, urbanity still connotes a smooth and literate style, free of barbarisms and other infelicities.
It's an assimilated, historically literate style, one that doesn't shock, provoke or bruise listeners.
A sample from the guide fairly shows the literate style of the program: "Chez Demetriou, 99a Topsider Villas SE18.
Not an especially attractive spirit, but he acquires Internet chic with an audience made curious by his literate style and their own sophisticated ghoulishness.
Wine writing tends to be either chalk dry or perversely florid, but Johnson manages to cultivate a literate, self-deprecating style.
In a literate and charming style, Mr. Loewer tells of his efforts to create, among others, an Alpine garden, a moonlit garden, a water garden and a garden for shade.
But the bassist John Hebert and the drummer Eric McPherson should make an excellent rhythm section, and each has experience with Mr. Hersch's literate and cosmopolitan style.
As a writer Bogarde displayed a witty, elegant, highly literate and thoughtful style.
Next up, he predicts, will be a novel, "a mystery or thriller of a literate style," and not one based on the law.