In 1945 only 822 voters were registered in a population of over 63,000, but by 1954 British Honduras achieved suffrage for all literate adults.
Because few reading materials are available, especially in the rural areas, many newly literate adults lose much of their proficiency after a few years.
In writing a commercial book, the Pope is undertaking a strategically different kind of outreach, targeting a broader audience - literate adults, Catholic and otherwise.
Finally, in 1954 British Honduras achieved suffrage for all literate adults as a result of the emerging independence movement.
I wonder what the result would be if one could attack the constitutionality of a law on the grounds that it could not be understood by the ordinary literate adult?
They were literate adults who could use reason.
He encourages both illiterate and literate adults to go back to school, urges greater community involvement, and proposes more flexibility in Federal programs that provide social services to children.
Even alarmists hardly fear the corrupting effect of pornography on literate adults; danger looms when it falls into the hands of the subliterate, and of course children.
Studies at Aberdeen University are testing how literate adults and learners could benefit from better spelling.
What they can read without any introduction is certainly possible for literate adults to adapt to.