But the Senate will surely be worse off, having lost its greatest character, its sole intellectual, its chief gadfly and its finest literary stylist.
Ozick is "the most accomplished and graceful literary stylist of our time," John Sutherland said here last year.
He certainly never attained the level of "a great literary stylist."
Brown remarked that "Bush is no great literary stylist" and that the "writing seldom rises above the workmanlike" while some "language is distinctly odd."
Three books by literary stylists which dealt with grief and loss raised fascinating questions about style and tone and storytelling under fierce pressure.
The magazine has been described as a "beautifully-produced literary journal that features the strongest offbeat writing from a select group of literary stylists."
As a literary stylist, Ms. Payne is more notable for what she doesn't do than what she does.
Hamsun is considered to be "one of the most influential and innovative literary stylists of the past hundred years" (ca. 1890-1990).
As a literary stylist, he could be blunt.
Miss Yourcenar was respected as a classical scholar as well as a literary stylist.