The two literary predecessors, Poet and Barde, vie for the allegiance of the modern Dichter.
He said that Mr. Sebald, who was known as Max, had literary predecessors, but there was no one today writing as he did.
One of the author's literary predecessors is Faulkner.
The fabliau is remarkable in that it seems to have no direct literary predecessor in the West, but was brought from the East by returning crusaders in the 12th century.
Nigel Tranter wrote a historical novel titled The Wallace, published in 1975, which is said to be more accurate than its literary predecessors.
Now we have Beverly Lowry's memoir "Crossed Over," which, like its literary predecessors, centers on a killer with loser charisma.
Maimie is the literary predecessor to the character Wendy Darling in Barrie's later Peter and Wendy story.
Ballads sometimes alluded to their literary predecessors.
The novel is a prequel to Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain and was written a year after its literary predecessor.