They make up a kind of anthology of literary musings about dogs based on Mr. Grenier's extensive readings in everything from Faulkner to the Japanese novelist Junichiro Tanizaki.
And then for the wild card, The New Yorker cartoonist Matthew Diffee offered up his literary musings for the camera.
In this luminous, slyly titled collection of literary musings, E. L. Doctorow gives us compacted worlds, fissioning into ever larger worlds, of imaginative possibility.
Respectful, text-centered literary musings on Poe, Twain, Fitzgerald, Dos Passos and others.
The literary musings inspired by the events of that long-ago day have, if anything, tended to be as lofty as Vesuvius itself.
But editors kept asking him for travelogues and memoirs and literary musings.
Bookless in Baghdad is a 2005 book by author Shashi Tharoor that consists of a collection of previously published articles, book reviews and columns on writers, books and literary musings.
In her literary musings on Christine Villemin, Duras showed no more concern for her subject's feelings or rights than a scientist might for those of a laboratory rat.
For sweet literary musings, "Franny and Zooey," by J.D. Salinger.
I find un-edited personal literary musings online to be largely obscene and a waste of time.