He is a very skilled man, a fine literary example of 19th century engineer.
The literary examples of torsion machines are too numerous to cite here.
Q. Have you ever invoked a literary example rather than a legal precedent in court?
I often think of literary examples, but I don't bring them up because to do that might seem to detract from the seriousness.
Two of the most famous literary examples occur in the Icelandic family sagas.
Her last experiment a failure, she is reviewing the entire micro-disc library for a literary example of humans driven to commit murder.
From Euripides to Stoppard, here are 10 literary examples of cross dressing.
There are plenty of similar literary examples throughout the sentimentalist movement in Europe in the early to mid-eighteenth century.
There can be no doubt that this literary example only made sense because the possibility of poisoning from eating quail was widely understood.
Some offer platitudes, some discuss literary examples, some are personal narratives.