In the dying daylight, the cloaked form literally vanished.
At first, I think he's being mystical, but take your eyes off Copeland for one minute and she will literally vanish.
Or to put it properly, Cranston literally vanished on Kremble's front stoop.
A person could literally vanish forever.
And it literally vanished overnight with the Qing Dynasty in 1911, when all of these ceremonial robes became obsolete.
When the football season ended, these warrior bands literally vanished.
He boarded another train, left it at the Paveletskaya stop, then he literally vanished.
There is clearly something amiss since the commuter exhibits a disconcerting tendency to literally vanish on close questioning about this ephemeral town.
Later on the brick business made the paddy fields vanish literally.
Starbuck, her destiny completed, literally vanishes without a trace after saying goodbye to Lee.