"The Chelsea pipe literally sucks in hundreds of millions of striped bass larvae."
They realise that Hare and many others are under the malign influence of a powerful wizard, who is literally sucking the life out of the world.
But instead, Christine gets interested in a website which needs a "special code" to access, and as they enter the website, their computer literally sucks them in through a spiraling tunnel and down into another world.
Uses its six tentacled legs to destroy structures while levitating and later uses suction cups for literally sucking objects and opponents towards it.
A Bissell vacuum cleaner literally sucks the words from a print ad.
Where is Labour and the Democrats to protect ordinary families from these feral predators who are literally sucking the wealth out of the system?
Black energy crackled up the drow female's arm as she literally sucked the life force from her unfortunate victim.
Kirby's signature method of dispatching enemies found in the stages is by using his ability of inhaling with extreme power, literally sucking the enemies into his mouth.
Hobard - Quezon City, Philippines - 11 days ago sucker punch literally sucks.
Low pressure then forms on the surface which literally sucks the wing upwards and stabilises it.