They might literally steal blood at knifepoint.
In the first move of the day, the Yankees literally stole David Cone from the Toronto Blue Jays.
Cooked on top of a stew, the big, puffy dumpling sopped up the other flavors, literally stealing them.
Some literally steal food out the mouths of their comrades, while others give away what they have or take terrible risks to help their friends.
That they would literally steal a child, just because its parents were Scots.
Either they provide protection or, as in New York, they would literally steal the drugs and then sell them themselves.
But it was their teammate, Mookie Blaylock, who literally stole the show in crunch time.
In fact, a judge was accused in 1892 of literally stealing election results to help the loser win a State Senate seat.
If they continue to steal the land literally from beneath our very feet, there is no reason to discuss any arrangements because the land will be gone.
Look closely in September however and a truly shocking insect can literally steal the show.