The ship was used as a bunkhouse for the single men as the townsite was literally carved from the wilderness.
It was literally carved out of the mountain 300 years ago: arches of cool, moist stone provided a primal backdrop to the festivities.
This was a long struggle indeed, small fields being literally carved out of the landscape by fire, hacking and sheer brute force.
As the course was literally carved out of a mountain, it can be quite demanding and clubs are carried in canvas bags to reduce the strain on caddies.
But Mr. McGrath has literally carved his commitment to his customers into one granite wall of his dealership, and he is intent on staying around.
In the case of Winchester Cathedral, the Gothic arches were literally carved out of the existent Norman piers.
At times, Dainyl found himself amazed that all of Lyterna had been carved out of solid rock literally hundreds of generations earlier - yet it did not look ancient.
War was literally carved into its skin.
The spectacular Perpendicular nave with its tall arcade arches and strong vertical emphasis has been literally carved out of the original Norman interior.
In those days its narrow road had been literally carved and blasted from the solid rock, and so it had remained until recently: a rough and ready route through the mountains.