The second is to remember that very plain literal fact always seems fantastic.
It made a literal fact out of The Shadow's famed invisibility.
If she comes to represent his mother to Antonius in literal fact, he will obey her every whim, dictate, request.
Any autobiographical evidence needs to be taken cautiously and read as an interpretation, a perspective, rather than as literal fact.
But to suggest that we should toss out the Garden of Eden story because it is not necessarily literal historical fact would be a dangerous precedent.
Ruling: "An attempt to inject style into the review rather than an attempt to convey with technical precision literal facts about the restaurant."
Firestone interprets Freudian "metaphors" in terms of the literal facts of power within the family.
He is also sober--in literal fact and in his down-to-earth approach.
The force of language can be independent of literal fact.
The notion that all people are created equal is a political philosophy rather than a literal fact.