There is no realty board covering all of Brooklyn, and so no multiple listings to indicate sales volume.
Her listings over the last year indicate that it is almost impossible to find anything under $700,000 and commonplace to spend upwards of $4 million.
This listing lists the tracks only and does not indicate which songs appear on which side, however they are in the correct order.
This listing indicates that it may become threatened with extinction and is in need of frequent reassessment.
The agencies' listings indicate their specialties, including groups.
On the reserve price is not disclosed, but the listing indicates whether the minimum or reserve price has been reached.
The "resigned/fired" listing indicates that a coach technically resigned, but at least one media report has stated that he was effectively fired.
Either listing indicates a risk of extinction and requires that actions by federal agencies not harm the population of the species.
However, the OpenSecrets' website's listing of top organizations contributing donations to politicians indicates that defense companies are well down the list.
The listing of Raven's works, shown below, indicates a life of considerable industry, sustained for many years.