Soma, with its $3,000 annual listing fee, offered an alternative to companies that needed to raise a relatively small amount of money.
Some charge companies for viewing students' resumes; others require students to pay a listing fee.
The agencies make their money, he claims, by asking for $200 to $400 as a listing fee, in addition to any sales commission.
The exchange earns money from a modest listing fee and through fees generated by every transaction.
First, there is a listing fee, ranging from 25 cents to $2, depending on an item's opening value.
I could relist the item, and if it sold, I would not have to pay an additional 25-cent listing fee.
Instead, the sellers who list their items in the Classifieds pay a flat listing fee.
Not surprisingly, the bigger the exchange, the more important listing fees are to its overall financial picture.
There is a listing fee of £0.05 or 0.05 in local currency normally.
There is no listing fee for standard auctions, but unlike the free auction above, a gallery picture is shown in the results.