The listeners realized that he had put a statement, not a question.
Larkin was mainly scared that listeners would realize he stuttered, so Judy suggested that he talk about it directly in his music.
Then the music turns from tender to creeping, and the listener realizes that Daddy is the monster.
And as the music slows, the piece ends before the listener even realizes it, as if carried off by a gentle breeze.
And maybe one day more listeners will realize that, like every Janet Jackson album since "Control," this one was also pretty great.
Many listeners did not realize the importance of the proposed end date for the program as a clue that the announcement was a hoax.
Malone also wrote that Rihanna persists in ensuring that listener realizes "how she wants men in her bed."
A first-time listener quickly realizes that Mr. Dirksen is right: change-ringing is weird music.
It begins like a letter about the weather, but the listener gradually realizes that it is addressing a man who has slept with the singer's wife.
But few listeners realize that CD players are also likely to become morose if denied occasional care.