But whoever did it was also listening to your request for some way to kill the time.
Ms. Jones listened to her mother's request and then put her on hold.
After listening to Brown's request she escorted the two officers to the far back corner of the empty dining room.
He'd listened without expression to her request and then simply walked away.
Abraham was hesitant, but at God's order he listened to his wife's request.
The fellow in charge of this room listened to my request, then waved me on through to the shop.
Maybe in five years, or ten, you'll have climbed to a position of social usefulness where they'll listen to your request for funds.
The little girl's grandmother asks them to leave but not listening to her request, they simply move farther away.
She listened to the superintendent's request and at once acquiesced.
We beg you not to abandon us and to listen to our request for help.