It was all Julie could do to concentrate on driving, as she listened incredulously to the chain of events her sister recounted.
For a while they listened incredulously, then Fafhrd shrugged and started forward again, the others following.
- and describe my excellent adventure to the fellow suits on the panel, who listen incredulously.
He paused on the lower landing and listened incredulously.
They just listen incredulously to the tales from our schools and cannot fathom how it could possibly be this crazy!
When the hall finally cleared and Morgon could speak with him, he listened incredulously.
I listened incredulously as he told me that some of these snipers apparently fancied themselves artists.
Listening incredulously to the Dictator announcing that he would hold elections for all the magistracies!
But now she stood in front of her father, listening incredulously to the news that she was being bound again.
I stood on the steps for some time, listening incredulously.