I have scanned The Federation Guide to True Sentience and I believe I meet many of the criteria listed therein for self-aware, intelligent life.
On receipt thereof, the receiving party may request copies of any or all documents listed therein.
Practically all modern operating system shells can be used in both interactive and batch mode, the latter usually by specifying the name of a text file with commands listed therein.
The true Python-ophile, of course, will also require Johnson's book, if not the 100 or so other "Python-related books" listed therein.
The following abbreviations are used in the Table of Comparisons to show the main historical derivation of the security of tenure provisions listed therein.
The statute makes it unlawful to pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill or sell birds listed therein ("migratory birds").
The statute does not purport to limit withholding to the persons listed therein.
A seismic scale or one of many named scales listed therein.
Those not meeting the criteria listed therein would be subject to the same rights and obligations under the directive as employees.
In order for a Federal agency website to comply with Section 508, it must adhere to the sixteen provisions listed therein.