The company listed known liabilities of $61.7 million and assets with undetermined market value.
The annual disclosure forms require Congressmen to use only a range of value in listing assets and liabilities.
It lists the company's assets, liabilities, and owner's equity while showing the resources of the company.
Both companies list assets and liabilities from risk management on their balance sheets.
The company has listed assets of $27.3 million and liabilities of $36 million.
An externally targeted business plan should list all legal concerns and financial liabilities that might negatively affect investors.
These statements (listing all personal assets, liabilities and monthly payments) should not be more than 90 days old.
In its filing, it listed total liabilities, including member deposits, of $308 million.
They list total assets of $49,774,515,500 and total liabilities of just $31,237,281,394.
Various affiliated companies also made Chapter 11 filings, listing separate liabilities.