I do not suppose that you are suffering from all of the misapprehensions listed herein; however, if you are typically American and have not had extensive political experience, it is likely that you are subject to one or more of them.
However, historic "100" year dramatic weather events such as Christmas Week flood of 1955 and, especially, the Christmas flood of 1964, which severely damaged the region, may not be reflected in records listed herein.
The NIEs listed herein are those entered into the public records of the Office between April 19, 1996, and August 16, 1996.
The various sources listed herein give somewhat different descriptions of the ballpark's location.
Braided hairstyles shall be conservative and conform to the guidelines listed herein.
I'm not promoting or disparaging any of the names listed herein.
Accordingly, the NIEs listed herein are those entered into the public records of the Office between December 5, 1997, and January 21, 1998.
Listing of materials and resources in this book should not be construed or interpreted as an endorsement by the Department of any private organization or business listed herein.
The NIEs listed herein are those entered into the public records of the Office between December 6, 1996, and April 11, 1997.