Tooth relied primarily on the pub industry, however clubs were becoming increasingly important as a liquor outlet.
As of 2010, the company has around 30,000 employees and operates about 6800 retail liquor outlets throughout the state.
There are a few knickknack shops and some cafes, but the town center is essentially one big liquor outlet.
British Columbia has both private and government-owned retail liquor outlets.
Since his fall, however, the owners of the liquor outlets have seen their livelihoods victimized by a series of attacks on the alcohol industry.
In 1975 the area consisted of about seven corner shops and two liquor outlets.
In 1984, the Council voted to allow retail liquor outlets within the city limits.
The best point to begin this experiment is in poor, high-crime neighborhoods where there are more liquor outlets per square mile than the citywide average.
The main settlement has a general store, including a liquor outlet, a bakery, cafe/coffee shop, Subway and clothing stores.
Longreach includes a general store and liquor outlet.