Often known as a "liquidity event", this includes an initial public offering; private placement, acquisition or merger with another company or management-led buyout.
When liquidity events occur within a private equity fund, proceeds are immediately distributed to limited partners, rather than being held or reinvested.
"Part of our business plan is to look ahead to what we call a liquidity event," Rattner said.
The role of an operating partner can span the private investment cycle, from due diligence to post transaction integration through to a liquidity event and/or exit.
In corporate finance, a liquidity event is the purchase or sale of a corporation or an initial public offering.
A liquidity event is not to be confused with the liquidation of a company, in which the company's business is discontinued.
Guiding your family through a liquidity event.
But investors in an early stage firm want to know what the expected "liquidity event" will be - that is, how do they cash out one day?
Most Richistanis earn their citizenship through a "liquidity event," when someone buys out their company, rather than through inheritance.
So we will be looking for a liquidity event at some point, but not for now.