The sorcerer's sand melted into a liquid pool of blue fire.
The deal with Longitude will improve distribution of the games for single pools which can offer multiple bet types aimed at generating larger, deeper and more liquid betting pools.
He felt himself drawn into a liquid pool that embraced and swallowed him.
Submerging a whirling rotor in a liquid pool.
Other examples include platinum, magnesium, mercury (as a liquid pool in the reactor), stainless steel or reticulated vitreous carbon.
They were liquid pools of friendliness.
Water and saliva enter through the rumen to form a liquid pool.
They were liquid black pools of terror.
The prince could see no white, nor pupil - just a liquid pool of red heat, and lust for killing.
A tank truck wets down the street; men with steam hoses make cars and pavement glisten, creating liquid pools of neon.