Eyes wide, lips snarling, Duke grabbed Stockton's arm and pulled him off balance.
For a moment, Wolf's eyes glared the anger that his lips snarled, while his hand produced a ready gun.
Green-eye was crying, his lips snarling back from his white teeth.
"Cardona" - Larry's lips snarled as his eyes opened for the final effort.
The twist of the man's head, made so his lips could snarl in Janice's direction, drew his shoulder with it.
His lips snarled and his eyes were black coals of hell's fire.
Cruel, thick lips snarled back from set, sharp teeth.
The eyes are deep-sunk in his head, and the lips are snarling.
Not because Mocquino held mercy; his lips would have snarled denial of such a thought.
The grendel's lips snarled back It might die, but it would take him with it.