Another legend puts it to be about 900 years old where lions roamed free in the jungles surrounding the town.
The district commissioner's residence had wooden bars on the verandah so that the officer could sit there in the evening while lions roamed through the settlement.
Local legends of adjacent Chinatown hold that the lions would come alive after dark and roam the city streets.
A tiger once in jungles raged -- But now he's in a zoo; A lion, captive-born and caged, Now roams the forest through.
The pseudo-mountain lion roamed the wild, keeping in touch with the tide of baa-ing sheep now headed for the lowlands.
As the lions roam the streets of Baghdad trying to survive, each lion comes to embody a different viewpoint regarding the Iraq War.
Elephants and lions roamed the uncultivated areas.
Renius will give a demonstration of some sort and then the lions will roam 'the landscapes of their Africa,' whatever that means.
He had meant to let a rabid lion roam the streets long enough to frighten everyone, but the lion had become a giant that moved like lightning.
Gazelle, buffalo, rhinos, elephants, lions, and hippo roamed the grasslands, the same way as they do in Africa today.