Also gilded were the bars of the cage in which the lion prowled, thrashing his tufted tail back and forth.
Even as Sally and George kept the Lizzies under guard in the engine room, they could hear the lions prowling the halls outside.
A huge lion prowled through John Burnham's field.
Night after night, as lions prowled around their camp in the Serengeti, master and pupil studied the Koran together.
Throughout the entire night the lion prowled around the camp, growling and uttering his peculiar guttural sigh.
The lion prowled around Kiall, baring its yellow fangs.
Around the house prowled strangely docile lions and wolves, the drugged victims of her magic; they were not dangerous, and fawned on all newcomers.
Vulture-headed lions, fifteen feet high, prowled in hungry anticipation towards them, their feathered maaes rustling as they approached.
Hyenas and lions, attracted by their smell, prowled the camps at night.
Twice recently, lions escaped from their cages at Santiago's public zoo and prowled the grounds as terrified visitors ran out of the way.