The fountain itself is conventionally decorated with a lion motif.
He was soberly, but meticulously dressed in a plain, dark gray suit with striped shirt, silver tie with a red lion motif, and jewelled clip.
Lang repeated the monument's lion motif on several later buildings.
Little is know of the details of these gardens, other than the lion motifs carved in their stone fountains.
Those to the right and left house the staircases, while the central pavilion displays a magnificent balcony sculpted with lion motifs.
A 17th-century Iznik dish with a lion motif sold for $157,210.
The garments and throne decorations of the Achaemenid kings were embroidered with lion motifs.
They are filled with erotic kanya motifs, lion motifs on Brahamanical deities.
In the floor above the cornice, lion motifs are carved.
Behrampaşa Hanı (Caravansaray), was completed in 1573 and it is famous for the lion motifs around its windows.