Linking urban and suburban schools for projects provokes other kinds of insights closer to home.
Linking schools to the Internet clearly presents new privacy issues, like controlling access to classroom chat sites and children's records.
"This is not easy," she said of linking corporations and schools.
Researchers have linked small schools with higher achievement, more individualized instruction, greater safety, and increased student involvement.
The $1.5 million Internet plan would link hospitals, museums, schools and scientific institutes across Russia to the global computer network.
The idea of linking schools and child care has been a source of considerable controversy.
The purpose was to link schools in Gulu and the United Kingdom.
Circulation systems are provided to link residential groupings, open space areas, schools, and local shopping areas.
(b) To link schools into other schools' good practice.
"It is a dated mentality that links public schools to a piece of ground or a school district."