And those links, I mean, when you do the Google search, you can sort of see what the dates are.
The mental link between them meant the computer was gripping the Wizard's brain too!
Sometimes even a link to bad film means money.
But analysts said his strong links to the car business meant he was not the right man to lead the widely diversified company.
Our links with the Post Office mean we're always hungry for your cash.
The link with the government means "there is a very good chance that it will be integrated into the national health care system," he said.
The spokesman said closer links with Interflug did not mean a merger was planned.
Yet what truly woke his feeling of wonder was the thought of all the other things such a link might mean to the hradani.
Does that link really mean anything in practice?
The missing link to the Autobahn network means that there is rather heavy traffic running through the municipality.