Li Ning has set up its largest distribution center in Jingmen, to link southeasten production and consumption from all over China.
A study by Dr. Paolo Toniolo of New York University Medical Center linked frequent consumption of red meat to an increased risk of breast cancer.
Also, several medical studies have linked consumption of high levels of protein, particularly animal protein, with an increase in calcium loss from the body, due to increased excretion.
"The Total Package" is informative about the history and development of "designed containers that protect and promote products" and the modern system of packaging that links production and consumption.
It links consumption of red meats to colon and prostate cancer.
Some studies have linked consumption of four cups of coffee or more a day to lower birth weights, but the link is less clear.
Some studies have linked consumption of the antioxidant lycopene, which exists in tomato products that are often used on pizza, as having a beneficial health effect.
But other sorts of drink may be advertised, so long as they do not link consumption to social or sexual success - thus eliminating the predictable drink-this-and-score line.
Studies have linked even moderate consumption of alcohol to increase risk for a variety of cancers including breast, colon, esophageal and stomach cancer.