The rail line, constructed in an undersea tunnel, would link Japan to the Trans-Siberian.
That cable system, which will cost more than $700 million, will link Japan and the Philippines with the United States.
The restrictions had sharply limited foreign computer companies' ability to set up private communications systems for businesses linking Japan and other nations.
Gordon attempts to link Japan to British Israelism, particularly the view that the British royal family were of Israelite descent.
A high-capacity undersea cable to link the U.S. and Japan in 1996 is planned by the largest international telephone companies in the two countries.
The only way to make this happen is to purchase more circuits on the cables linking Japan to the States.
Two More Expected Within the next five years, two more fiber-optic cables are expected to link the United States and Japan.
Sharks have shown a taste for new fiber-optic cables being strung along the ocean floor linking the U.S., Europe and Japan.
AT&T won a $1.2 billion contract for a 17,000-mile undersea fiber optic cable, linking Britain and Japan.
It also will build a network linking the United States and Japan.