He predicted that by the year 2000 only 15 to 20 global carriers might remain, with operations linking the United States, Europe and Asia.
Earlier this year, Tonga said it had acquired rights to 16 unused satellite positions that could link the United States and Asia.
Centuries ago, your forbears named this country Ukraine or frontier because your steppes link Europe and Asia.
Trans-global highway, a proposed highway to link Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas.
A map he drew c AD 150 showed a large continent linking Africa and Asia.
Even at that time this region, like the Silk Road, had for centuries formed an overland umbilical cord linking Europe and Asia.
It linked Asia to Europe.
They are most laudable and in this way we can help to open up the route which links Asia, the Middle East and Europe.
And Perth, its capital, is an ideal gateway to both, linking Asia with the rest of Australia.
Thousands of similar ships plied the oceans in the 19th and early 20th centuries linking the old world, the new world, Asia and Oceania.