Nonetheless the Constitution does provide the linguistic framework for conducting government affairs and describing them in the media.
While pragmatic concerns are important for Carnap and other logical positivists when choosing linguistic framework, their pragmatism "leaves off at the imagined boundary between the analytic and the synthetic".
After independence from British rule, the desire to domesticate cosmopolitan Bombay within a Marathi social and linguistic framework was strongly expressed in the 1950s.
The desire to domesticate cosmopolitan Bombay within a Marathi social and linguistic framework was strongly expressed in the 1950s.
And finally, some concluding remarks are offered on the ways in which additional linguistic frameworks may be brought to bear on the same linguistic data.
Thus, it was thought best that the development of the linguistic framework should parallel the development of the workshop activity.
The linguistic frameworks of cohesion and natural narrative are clearly only two of many frameworks which may be usefully employed in the analysis of texts.
Specific instantiations of optimality theory may make falsifiable predictions, in the same way that specific proposals within other linguistic frameworks can.
In 1940 Roman Jakobson embedded it into a linguistic framework and claimed that language attrition is the mirror image of language acquisition (Weltens & Cohen 1989: 130).
A methodology that consists of the application of successive linguistic frameworks as an interpretative grid over literary texts makes hollow claims to definitiveness.