The gimmick here is that certain elements of the image - a newspaper, a tablecloth, a cheesecake nude on a sketchpad - are rendered by blank lines incised into the paint.
And that wait might have been easier, Dane speculated, had they been able to watch the complicated processes inside the bulk, could have seen how those lines and notches incised on their plates were assessed, matched, paired, until a ship now in port and seeking apprentices was found for them.
The bowl of an oinochoe (pitcher) might be emphasized by closely spaced vertical lines incised into the soft clay before firing.
He crouched more closely and read the lines incised on the stone.
Florentine liners are flat-bottomed tools with multiple lines incised into them, used to do fill work on larger areas or to create uniform shade lines that are fast to execute.
Some consist of zillions of tiny marks radiating from central points, and suggest furry textures or magnetic fields; others describe complex configurations of boxes in space, with straight lines incised into satiny graphite surfaces, and hint at a Platonic metaphysical dimension (Johnson).
There were deep lines incised along either side of his nose, and his lips were drawn with worry and pain- and he was so young; his father gone, his mother a stranger, and now his aunt, coming back from the dead on board a different ship... Her combadge shrilled.
From a distance the sharp line incised into the wall proclaimed its artificial origins.