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Plate C is the only one of the plates to have a wavy line emanating from the Forked Eye Surround Motif.
It then shows the number of degrees deviation between the aircraft's current position and the "radial" line emanating from the signal source at the given bearing.
One notices that electric charge has radial "lines of force" emanating from it.
The radial pattern on the left of the plaque shows 15 lines emanating from the same origin.
A line emanating from a black pearl must go at least one full square before turning.
The lines emanating from his conscience were down.
As a result, the major coastal population centres are now ill-served by what is still a predominantly radial network with lines emanating from Madrid in the centre of the country.
In particular, the straight lines emanating from the compass roses are not rhumb lines so that they do not give a true bearing.
And a big, bold "$:10" is printed in deep purple on the lower right over 10 lines emanating from the feet of Britannia; each line is also made up of the words "ten pounds."
The shapes and layout of the buildings are strictly conformed to imaginary radial lines emanating from the central court (see also Irvine High School, which has a central line of symmetry).