The line would cost between 12 and 13 billion dollars.
Already, the party's hard line on abortion has cost votes, although it is impossible even to estimate how many.
To begin with, they have capital, an advantage when a start-up line can cost from $250,000 to more than $2 million.
Like their men's collection, the women's line will cost about $100 to $200 in stores.
Without this achievement, today's tapered lines would probably cost $150 or more.
Two lines only costs a few bucks, and he occasionally gets a home maintenance job, that sort of thing.
The line should have been completed in March 1998 and cost a mere $3 billion.
If rebuilt, the line would cost £21 million despite being just six miles long.
The line had cost £392,000 to build or £7,966 per mile.
But mostly these lines cost more than American bridge collections, often hitting the $1,000 mark.