The few girls there all looked like limp dolls, and Angela concluded they were junkies.
All of them were knocked from their feet, and the unconscious guy was rolled like a limp doll.
The night was very stormty, the wind shook the trees like a limp doll.
She sat beside him like a limp doll.
He emitted a single low grunt of pain before sagging like a limp doll and falling to the floor at her feet.
Muller's head snapped back and he fell like a limp doll, unconscious even before he hit the deck.
Without the man and the voice, there is only a limp doll.
She collapsed, a limp doll, onto the hardness of his chest.
The bodies were borne along like limp dolls, sucked under by the current one moment, flung to the surface the next.
She lay naked on the floor, face up, arms away from her sides, like a limp doll.