Artists can be easily bewitched by the limitless range of colors and textures.
"A spaceship of limitless range that costs nothing to runl How soon can we take off?"
Complicated and perceptive and with a seemingly limitless range of talents and potential.
There crowded upon him the awful and limitless evolutionary range of transtellar life, the cyclorama of teeming morphologies.
A seemingly limitless range of handsome creations can grace holiday doors, walls or tables, and many can be used all year.
Amazon, founded in 1994, offers an almost limitless range of books and, usually, offers them at the cheapest prices on the market.
Highway Star also has a limitless range and a speed of 60 mph.
But he has gone on to encompass landscapes, portraits, nudes and a seemingly limitless range of subjects.
As for Chicago, it's in many ways one of America's most beautiful cities, with a limitless range of things to do.
With which he has got a limitless range of sound variety.