But you also get something else, something no other generation has ever had: the ability to leave your teen-age body behind and take advantage of the almost limitless freedom to explore your personal identity.
He calls to freedom, to absolute and limitless freedom, to that freedom which is as dear to the Arab as his very life.
The moral foundation of contemporary civilization is the limitless freedom of opinion, a freedom which cannot be limited except by due process of law.
He believed that these people, by the very fact of their illness, were unencumbered by societal pressures or expectations, and hence could work with limitless freedom of expression.
Kathleen Ann Goonan's last novel, "Queen City Jazz," was an exercise in excess, a stylistically unruly exploration of the limitless freedom promised by the embryonic field of nanotechnology.
Given limitless freedom, and without adults to show them better, children will run riot.
The resulting effect combines all the advantages of animatronics, the expressiveness of live performance, and the limitless freedom of computer animation.
"The sense of limitless freedom that I, as a woman, sometimes feel is that of a new kind of being. . . . I am the pure product of an advanced, industrialized, post-imperialist country in decline."
It is no surprise, then, that "the personality susceptible to the dream of limitless freedom is a personality also prone, should the dream ever sour, to misanthropy and rage," as Franzen remarks.
In making this leap, individuals confront their own limitless freedom, which Jaspers calls Existenz, and can finally experience authentic existence.