"Aficionado" was published in the limited-edition collection Tomorrow Happens, and is a short-story prequel to the novels.
At Stila, a Color Festival velvet fuchsia-lined holiday boxed set fans open to reveal a limited-edition collection of eye, cheek and lip color ($58 at www.stilacosmetics.com).
Members, who pay $25 to join, receive a magazine that introduces new pieces and can purchase one piece from a limited-edition collection every year.
Catherine Memmi, who is based in Paris, has initiated the Greys, a limited-edition collection of furniture.
This week a limited-edition collection of rugs inspired by those quilts, pieced together from vintage textiles and kilims, arrived at ABC Carpet & Home.
In 1997, it was published in the limited-edition collection Six Stories.
It was originally published in the 1997 limited-edition collection Six Stories.
She collaborated with TopShop on three limited-edition collections, and released her first personal ready-to-wear garments.
It was first published in the anthology Robert Bloch's Psychos in 1997 and appeared in King's limited-edition collection Six Stories the same year.
In October 2005, Guinness announced the Brewhouse Series, a limited-edition collection of draught stouts available for roughly six months each.