Others question how long it can be sustained in a country that has a limited infrastructure, resources and trained manpower.
The problem in the high season has been just how many travelers are there - and there is pretty limited infrastructure.
The region is extremely poor, with limited infrastructure such as roads and schools.
"This park will always have a passive tone to it," she said, using a term that implies light use and limited infrastructure.
Swift immigration challenged the city's limited infrastructure and created burdens on the city.
But obstacles, including road access and limited infrastructure, have stood in the way of the bigger projects.
Few corporate investors would be willing to build plants in those areas, because they offer limited infrastructure and poorly educated workers.
That, added to its geographical isolation, has led to limited infrastructure in the district.
This is a finite process, as one city can only hold so many people due to limited infrastructure and available resources.
In addition, what limited infrastructure the South had was mostly destroyed by the war.