In recent years, the state has allowed limited hunting of resident geese in a few areas.
Hike, bike and equestrian trails are available, as is limited hunting (archery only).
The only allowed use is limited hunting with special permits.
"There may be fishing and limited hunting," she said, noting that the hunting of waterfowl will probably be prohibited.
Some conservation groups have urged the Government to allow limited hunting or to pare herds that appear to be growing too large.
In Pennsylvania, limited hunting and trapping are once again allowed, after having been banned from 1970 to 1999.
There are state proposals to allow the herd to grow from about 100 to 300 and allow limited hunting outside the park.
Families were forced to rely on subsistence activities applied in a sedentary format: limited hunting, fishing, occasionally planting gardens.
Pro-whaling countries, notably Japan, wish to lift the ban on stocks that they claim have recovered sufficiently to sustain limited hunting.
Some limited hunting is allowed during certain limited seasons, but rifles or pistols are not allowed.