Boquete has limited capability despite a large ex-pat population.
They had limited their opponents to an average of 98.6 points a game, the second-best record in the league, despite eight games on the road.
At first, enthusiasm had been limited, despite the Council's insistence and financial support.
Her right eye has limited vision, despite attempts to restore it with a cornea transplant.
Due to the French electoral system, the party's representation in public office has been limited, despite its significant share of the vote.
The decision could, however, force smaller cable systems to drop some programming because channel capacity is still limited, despite rapid advances in technology.
Supplies are still limited, despite the growing demand, and it is only available from selected stores.
Advanced disease describes the stage when a person is significantly limited in his or her activity, despite treatment.
Growth since 1970, however, has been limited and often negative, despite a modest population growth in the 1990s.
The course is limited to 15 students, most of whom are interested in combatting white-collar crime and Federal law enforcement, despite the drawbacks.